Reception Admissions

Welcome to St Mary’s School

Application for Reception Class 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, you can apply for a primary school reception year place from 1st September 2024.
All application forms and any Certificate of Catholic Practice forms must be received by 15th January 2025.
All application forms should be returned to Wandsworth Council and St Mary’s School.
Please visit the Wandsworth webpage for further information on Applying for a Primary School place.​


Nationally from September 2000 children attending a Nursery school do not gain automatic admittance into Reception. All parents wishing to apply for a Reception place will be required to make a new application in the following academic year.

​The deadline for Reception applications is 15th January 2025

Admissions enquires please email Shirley Mustafa at: [email protected] 

Please view our Admissions Policy 2024 – 2025

If your child is baptised Catholic, you will need to bring their original baptism certificate to school, and a copy for us to retain.

If you are a practising Catholic, you will need to have the Certificate of Catholic Practice signed by your Parish Priest. You will need to submit your Certificate of Catholic Practice to the school. Please bring the original, and a copy for us to retain.

If category 6 or 7 or 8 is relevant to you, you will need to submit your child’s baptism certificate from your own faith to the school. Please bring the original baptism certificate for us to see, and a photocopy for us to retain.

Please click here for a sample Certificate of Catholic Practice (this one can’t be used). You will need to collect an original Certificate of Catholic Practice from your Parish Priest.

Please download our Reception Admissions Pack

Admissions enquiries please contact Shirley Mustafa on 07399391667 Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm

Once completed please email to Shirley Mustafa at: [email protected] 

Please click on the below images for the School Uniform Direct website and the New Starter Video.