Nursery Admissions

Welcome to St Mary’s School

Nursery Class Information

All 3 and 4 year olds in England receive 570 free hours per year. At St Mary’s this entitlement is provided in the form of 3 hours every morning session or afternoon session.
Children are eligible for the 15 free hours entitlement the term after they turn 3.
However, some working parents can claim an additional 15 hours of funded childcare.

To be eligible to apply for the additional 15 hours of funded childcare, the household must:

  • Be a two-parent working family or lone or single parent.
  • Have all parents working and each parent earning on average.
    • The equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or Living Wage (includes income received from tax credits or Universal Credit) and
    • Earning less than £100,000 per year.

If one parent’s income exceeds £100,000 the household will not be eligible.

Both parents usually working, but one is temporarily out of work for a particular reason, as explained below:

  • One / both parent/s is away from work on leave (parental, maternity etc.)
  • One / both parent/s is in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay.
  • Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who are registered as self-employed.
  • One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities/ and or disability based on specific benefits received for caring; is a foster carer with their own three and four year old children.

Parents who are in training will not be eligible as they can receive other Government support.

Parents can apply at:

For help with childcare options please view the Childcare Choices

Please view the Childcare Grant Payment Service


Children allocated either a part-time or a full-time place will need to complete a short period of induction before attending complete sessions every day. In some circumstances, and based on the child’s needs, it may be deemed necessary to extend this period. In some instances a parent/carer may be expected to stay on the premises until a child has settled.


Nationally from September 2000 children attending a Nursery school do not gain automatic admittance into Reception. All parents wishing to apply for a Reception place will be required to make a new application in the following academic year.

The deadline for Nursery applications is 14th February 2025

The Early Years Foundation Stage is based upon 4 Overarching Principles:
  1. A Unique Child.
  2. Positive Relationships.
  3. Enabling Environments with strong partnerships.
  4. That children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

In line with our Mission Statement, we at St Mary’s  Primary School aim to support children to learn and develop in an environment within which Christian values are central to and celebrated, and where each child is loved, appreciated and affirmed, recognising that every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. We recognise that children develop in individual ways and at different rates. Children’s attitudes and dispositions to learning are influenced by feedback from others. We use praise and encouragement, rewards and celebration assemblies to promote a positive attitude towards learning.

Please view our Admissions Policy 2024 – 2025

If your child is baptised Catholic, you will need to bring their original baptism certificate to school, and a copy for us to retain.

If you are a practising Catholic, you will need to have the Certificate of Catholic Practice signed by your Parish Priest. You will need to submit your Certificate of Catholic Practice to the school. Please bring the original, and a copy for us to retain.

If category 6 or 7 or 8 is relevant to you, you will need to submit your child’s baptism certificate from your own faith to the school. Please bring the original baptism certificate for us to see, and a photocopy for us to retain.

Please click here for a sample Certificate of Catholic Practice (this one can’t be used). You will need to collect an original Certificate of Catholic Practice from your Parish Priest.

Please download our Nursery Admissions Pack

Admissions enquiries please contact Shirley Mustafa on 07399391667 Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm

Once completed please email to Shirley Mustafa at: [email protected]

Please click on the below images for the School Uniform Direct website and the New Starter Video.