Our Mission Statement
“A man took a grain of mustard seed, and sowed it in his field. Indeed, the seed is smaller than all seeds but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.” (Matthew 13.31)

The school’s Mission Statement is a clear expression of the educational and pastoral aims of the school. This is demonstrated in the inclusive way we approach the teaching and learning across the school.
St Mary’s is a nurturing and welcoming community, seeking to include every child and his/her family.
The statement was developed as part of the federation with pupils, staff and governors, to link Gospel scripture to the lives of all pupils and staff. It was felt the parable of ‘the Mustard Seed’ best represented the aims of the school and the notion of nurture and growth.
The children’s gifts are celebrated at St Mary’s and in turn these gifts from God are used to inspire and motivate all to succeed to reach their full potential.
Our mission statement is displayed clearly in school and there are regular whole school assemblies to elicit children’s ideas about how they are put into practice.
Please click below to view the Mustard Seed animated Bible Story.